Bank is an important part in our daily life it is difficult to run our life smoothly without a bank. Our financial needs can’t satisfy without banks, in present scenario of digital transactions banks role is very significant. During coronavirus pandemic when every economic activity was stopped however banks and their branches were kept open. In our country it is very important that from poor to rich people all have required a bank account and financial services. For poor’s Jan-Dhan account is important for collecting financial aid, subsidy and all other financial needs. Banks is backbone of our financial system without good banking system a country cannot grow so banks is very important. Government banks have good leadership in financial sector in India from rural to urban so government banks have a great career opportunity. In India’s bank there are so many career options available like clerk, PO, Manager etc. Bank PO (Probationary Officer) is one of the best career options in bank jobs.

Bank PO as Career Option- Public sector banks (PSB) offer growth opportunity, security and to serve people. Probationary officer (PO) is a coveted entry level position in PSB banks and the career path it offers is full of opportunities, challenges and growth. The career path also provides richness of experience. Probationary means new to a job or activity, so newly recruited junior officers in PSBs are called probationary officers. In PNB (Punjab National Bank), such new officers are known as Management Trainees.
Bank PO Eligibility and Areas of Work – The entry criteria for a generalist PO (probationary officer) in banks has been kept simple. With a graduate in any subject, one may apply for the PO. Various consolidations have occurred in government and private banks space. After the most recent such occasion, presently there are 12 PSBs in the nation with almost 87000 branches. These branches are spread everywhere on the nation and oblige each populace section (metropolitan, semi-metropolitan and provincial). Scarcely any banks have branches abroad too. At the point when you’re chosen as a trial official the whole nation turns into your work an area. You might be posted in any piece of the nation, however at the outset, competitors subject to prerequisites of the bank concerned might be offered postings in their preferred zone.
After your joining as trial official, you stay waiting on the post-trial process for a characterized period. Prior the probation time frame used to be two years which has now been diminished to one year by the vast majority of the banks. After fruitful finish of the probation the representative gets affirmed in help. Presently numerous offices, which prior were stretched out to affirmed officials just, are accessible since start of business for example probation. A trial official has a place with Junior Management Grade Scale I, commonly known as Assistant Manager. After Junior Management, the following levels are Middle Management, Senior Management and Top Executive Grade. There are seven degrees of officials in PSBs-Assistant Manager, Senior Manager, Chief Manager, Assistant General Manager, Deputy General Manager and General Manager. Not many banks have made the places of Chief General Manager likewise which comes after General Manager. Chief Director and Chairman and Managing Director are Board level positions, arrangements to which are made by government.
More than likely when you join a bank as trial official, after acceptance preparing, you’ll be posted in a branch. The greater part of bank offices in the nation are in rustic and semi metropolitan zones. Your work duties will rely upon the size of the branch you’re placed into. For instance, on the off chance that you work in a little branch, you might be approached to care for the whole store arrangement of the branch, though in a major branch you’ll be going to just one section current/reserve funds/fixed/different stores. A bank official may need to fill in as responsible for at least one specific business portion. Inside two-three years you might be considered for the part of administrator of a little branch. As you progress to higher evaluations you’ll be posted as segment in-control or work as supervisor of a greater branch. In contrast with branches, banks have lesser number of authoritative workplaces.
Those posted at authoritative workplaces will work in a specific division of this office, at first as a helping official. At the point when you grow somewhat senior, you may hold the situation of utilitarian head in such an office. These capacities incorporate tasks the board, arranging, business advancement/showcasing, HR, consistence, client support, data innovation and so forth.
As Deputy General Manager you might be made a Zonal Head for a huge number (might be 60 to 100) branches. Head supervisors generally work from corporate workplaces.
A significant number of the public area banks have branches abroad. Joining such banks may give you occasion to get worldwide presentation, as splendid officials from inside the bank are shipped off work in and deal with these unfamiliar branches. One such residency is of three to four years. Barely any banks have plans for sending officials for preparing at unfamiliar branches for a short period which might be a year or less. Anumber of banks have auxiliaries to which officials from parent bank are deputed for a specific period. Associations like Central Bureau of Investigation additionally require bank officials on nomination. Those keen on educating and information sharing, after recommended long periods of work insight, may pick to turn into a mentor/employee at a preparation foundation of the bank. At senior levels one may fill in as head of the trade school.
Pay structure of officials in PSBs depends on dealings between Indian Banks Association and officials’ affiliation bodies, to which focal government needs to give its endorsement. Dearness recompense on essential compensation is reconsidered like clockwork. Additions are offered on yearly premise. Advantages to officials incorporate lodging office/appropriation, container endowment leave travel concession, repayment for paper, petroleum, cleaning material, higher loan fee on stores and so forth Such offices and their cutoff points differ from bank to bank. Branch directors might be given extra offices.
Officials are subject to be moved to any branch or office of the bank, anyway such exchanges must be as per the strategy. Generally, moves of officials happen each three to four years. For every authoritative exchange, banks bear the movement, transportation and accidental expenses according to rules.
Public area banks extend to sufficient employment opportunity security as long as you work with complete genuineness, trustworthiness and devotion.