Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare filling various managerial posts. General Central Service Group A Gazetted posts of the Directorate of Plant Protection Faridabad on deputation (Short term contract) basis. View sarkari job unlocking the details of above Sarkari job.
Document No.- 12034/2/2020/PP-Estt.
Age Limit– Max 56 years as on last date of application.
Last Date of Application- 06-10-2020
Essential Qualification– MSc. Degree in Entomology/ Nematology/ Zoology/ Agriculture Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry/ Plant Pathology/ Agriculture/ Botany/ Agronomy/ Botany with weed Science and for packaging BSc./ MSc. with Chemistry with packaging plus certificate and one year exp.
Desirable- Doctorate with relevant field.
Experience- 2-10 years practical experience according to post in Central/ State/ UT/ PSUs or Semi Government, Autonomous/ Statutory organisations.
For Specific Eligibility details, responsibility, Period of Deputation, Application format and other term and conditions refer Vacancy Notice.
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